MOM’s Monday league postponed for two weeks

MOM’s league is postponed for the next two weeks. We’ve decided that since UMCP, our bellwether school for closures and whatnot, has cancelled in-person classes that we would follow suit. We’re going to start with the two spare weeks already built into the schedule and see where things go from there. Keep an eye out for further announcements.

Note that this does NOT apply to the Friday night tournaments. They will communicate their status via their Facebook page.

Spinners League Postponed for Tonight

Hi all,

In conjunction with other league officers, we’ve made the decision to postpone league for tonight due to coronavirus concerns. I apologize for the short notice, but as I’m sure everyone knows, it’s been a fluid and rapidly developing situation and postponing tonight seemed to be the best solution to ensure an abundance of caution as we figure out what the best path forward is. Look for further communications on Spinners and other league dates coming up soon and we appreciate your patience as we figure things out,
